Puzzikoli Bed Cover
Ever wondered why it seems so important to have some nice covers for the bed? Why bed sheet designs hog all the attention, at least a considerable amount if you were to score it on a scale of 1 to 10, when we’re busy buying it in the shop? Why there are times when even when we aren't sure or satisfied with the material, we still go for the bed sheet only because it has a design that has caught our fancy?

A nod from the home decor department 
Well, one of the most imperative reasons behind it, I think, has to be its influencing role in the home decor department and its ability to dominate the spirits of the beholder.

I mean you wouldn't want to come back to a space that looks drab and feels lifeless when you return home, would you? You can’t agree more that crashing into the bed that is covered with a pristine linen sheet after a long drive or a trying day at work is like the best thing in the world at the end of the day.

The same theory can be applied when you have guests over. You want everything to be spick and span and brimming with life, and the guests to be appreciative of the space that you pride yourself in calling ‘home’. So its only natural for you to go with bed linens that look pretty and positively affect the ambience of the house.

Seeking an identity
Another reason I feel that has a lot to do with our obsession with covers for bed and bed sheet designs is identity. Designs speak of tastes and it isn’t an unknown fact that people often associate you with the kind of things you carry or the way you do up your home. Besides, designs can also speak volumes about the culture you endorse, the background you hail from and even the religion you follow. Explicit examples would be that of Hindu bedrooms that have bed covers or other home furnishing accessories bearing religious motifs that its occupants have faith in while Muslim households have abstract designs, geometric patterns and the name of Allah as a recurrent motif in its designs and themes. Another distinguishable example would include the famous block prints of Bengal, Rajasthan and Gujarat that are often a part of linens originating from that region.

One for the partner in crime
Yes you heard that right. It is literally our partner in the crime that we love to commit, sleep that is! (And also the other thing that came to your mind...Ahem!).

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